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M van Lieshout
Academic Work (11)
Book (1)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (6)
Report (2)
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11 records found
Ruimte voor de toekomst. Een toekomstverkenning voor VROM
Report (2010) -
N Rijkens-Klomp (author)
M van Lieshout (author)
E Rijshouwer (author)
P.A. van der Duin (author)
PA van der Duin (author)
A social approach to energy metering: the energy mentor
Conference paper (2010) -
L Papantoniou (author)
AM de Jong (author)
A.M. de Jong (author)
M.R.M. Crul (author)
Marcel Crul (author)
MRM Crul (author)
Marcel R.M. Crul (author)
Daphne Geelen (author)
D.V. Geelen (author)
M van Lieshout (author)
Foresight in ICT innovation: driving the new policy mix.
Conference paper (2008) -
L Kool (author)
M van Lieshout (author)
M.A. Poel (author)
MA Poel (author)
The Future of eGovernment. An exploration of ICT-driven models of eGovernment for the EU in 2020
Report (2007) -
V Frissen (author)
J Millard (author)
N Huijboom (author)
J Svava Iversen (author)
L Kool (author)
B Kotterink (author)
M van Lieshout (author)
M van Staden (author)
PA van der Duin (author)
P.A. van der Duin (author)
Social learning technolgies. The introduction of multimedia in education
Journal article (2003) -
M van Lieshout (author)
T.M. Egyedi (author)
TM Egyedi (author)
WE Bijker (author)
Social Learning
Journal article (2001) -
M van Lieshout (author)
WE Bijker (author)
Social Learning Technologies
Book (2001) -
M van Lieshout (author)
WE Bijker (author)
Setting of Multimedia Use
Journal article (2001) -
M van Lieshout (author)
WE Bijker (author)
Social Learning in Educational Multimedia
Journal article (2001) -
M van Lieshout (author)
WE Bijker (author)
Multimedia Innofusion
Journal article (2001) -
M van Lieshout (author)
Journal article (2001) -
M van Lieshout (author)
WE Bijker (author)