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L Kool
Academic Work (8)
Conference paper (5)
Journal article (2)
Report (1)
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8 records found
How to decide on the priorities and coordination of information society policy? Analytical framework and three case studies
Journal article (2010) -
M.A. Poel (author)
MA Poel (author)
L Kool (author)
A. van der Giessen (author)
How to decide on the scope, priorities and coordination of information society policy? Analytical Framework and Three Case Studies.
Conference paper (2010) -
L Kool (author)
M.A. Poel (author)
MA Poel (author)
A. van der Giessen (author)
How to decide on the scope, priorities and coordination of information society policy?
Conference paper (2010) -
L Kool (author)
M.A. Poel (author)
MA Poel (author)
A. van der Giessen (author)
Innovation in Information Society Policy: Rationale, Policy Mix and Impact in The Netherlands
Journal article (2009) -
M.A. Poel (author)
MA Poel (author)
L Kool (author)
The Policy mix for ICT innovation in the Netherlands: In search of new instrumetns, policy coherence and impact.
Conference paper (2008) -
M.A. Poel (author)
MA Poel (author)
L Kool (author)
The Policy mix for ICT innovation in the Netherlands: In search of new instrumetns, policy coherence and impact.
Conference paper (2008) -
M.A. Poel (author)
MA Poel (author)
L Kool (author)
Foresight in ICT innovation: driving the new policy mix.
Conference paper (2008) -
L Kool (author)
M van Lieshout (author)
M.A. Poel (author)
MA Poel (author)
The Future of eGovernment. An exploration of ICT-driven models of eGovernment for the EU in 2020
Report (2007) -
V Frissen (author)
J Millard (author)
N Huijboom (author)
J Svava Iversen (author)
L Kool (author)
B Kotterink (author)
M van Lieshout (author)
M van Staden (author)
PA van der Duin (author)
P.A. van der Duin (author)