K. Kavisha

21 records found

Three-dimensional city models are essential to assess the impact that environmental factors will have on citizens, because they are the input to several simulation and prediction software. Examples of such environmental factors are noise (Stoter et al., 2008), wind (Garcı́a-Sánch ...
3D cartographic visualization of a continuous time-dependent phenomenon is not an easy task. The focus of this research is motivated by the struggle to visualize such a phenomenon. Based on the current state of the art, we implemented new visualization methods to visualize contin ...
A 3D city model is a digital representation of the spatial features in an urban environment. Buildings, terrain, vegetation, water bodies, etc. all form an integral part of a 3D city model. The possibility to enrich these city models with additional application-specific informati ...

State of the Art in 3D City Modelling

Six Challenges Facing 3D Data as a Platform

Semantically enriched 3D city models have the potential to be powerful hubs of integrated information for computer-based urban spatial analysis. This article presents the state of the art in 3D city modelling in the context of broader developments such as smart cities and digital ...
This paper presents our implementation of a harmonized data model for noise simulations in the European Union (EU). Different noise assessment methods are used by different EU member states (MS) for estimating noise at local, regional, and national scales. These methods, along wi ...
Noise is one of the main problems in urban areas. To monitor and manage noise problems, governmental organisations at all levels are obliged to regularly carry out noise studies. The simulation of noise is an important part of these studies. Currently, different organisations col ...
The international standard CityGML is both a data model and an exchange format to store digital 3D models of cities. While the data model is used by several cities, companies, and governments, in this paper we argue that its XML-based exchange format has several drawbacks. These ...
GIS has become an important part of many disciplines and supports a vast range of applications. It is used everywhere, from agriculture to public health care. Furthermore, with the advances in technologies, the availability of GIS data and software support has grown exponentially ...
LandInfra is a relatively new open standard for modelling and representing land and infrastructure features. As it overlaps with other open standards in BIM (IFC) and 3D GIS (CityGML), it has been recognised as a potential candidate to bridge the gap between the two domains. Howe ...
The relatively new Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard LandInfra documents in its data model land and civil engineering infrastructure features. It has a Geography Markup Language (GML) implementation, OGC InfraGML, which has essentially no software support and is rarely us ...
The Level of Detail (LOD) concept in CityGML 2.0 is meant to differentiate the multiple representations of semantic 3D city models. Despite the popularity and general acceptance of the concept by the practitioners and stakeholders in 3D city modelling, there are still some limita ...

Dynamic 3d visualization of floods

Case of the Netherlands

In this paper, we review state of the art 3D visualization technologies for floods and we focus on the Netherlands since it has a long history of dealing with floods and developing information technology solutions to prevent and predict them. We discuss the most recent advances i ...
While there exist international standards for geospatial metadata (ISO 19115), these are rarely used in practice for 3D datasets, and one of the OGC standards for 3D city models, CityGML, does not offer a mechanism to store metadata in a structured way. Having metadata in CityGML ...
CityGML is the most important international standard used to model cities and landscapes in 3D with extensive semantics. Compared to BIM standards such as IFC, CityGML models are usually less detailed but they cover a much greater spatial extent. They are also available in any of ...
The Application Domain Extension (ADE) is a built-in mechanism of CityGML to augment its data model with additional concepts required by particular use cases. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of the ADE mechanism and a literature review of developments since its i ...
Terrains form an important part of 3D city models. GIS practitioners often model terrains with 2D grids. However, TINs (Triangulated Irregular networks) are also increasingly used in practice. One such example is the 3D city model of the Netherlands (3DTOP10NL), which covers the ...
Road traffic and industrial noise has become a major source of discomfort and annoyance among the residents in urban areas. More than 44 % of the EU population is regularly exposed to road traffic noise levels over 55 dB, which is currently the maximum accepted value presc ...
Standaarden voor het beheer, de modellering, uitwisseling en ontsluiting van 3D informatie zijn essentieel bij 3D ontwikkelingen: standaarden voor 3D data bieden softwarebedrijven een solide basis voor investeringen. Bovendien maken 3D standaarden hergebruik van 3D data mogelijk. ...
In addition to buildings, the terrain forms an important part of a 3D city model. Although in GIS terrains are usually represented with 2D grids, TINs are also increasingly being used in practice. One example is 3DTOP10NL, the 3D city model covering the whole of the Netherlands, ...