A.B. de Haan
29 records found
Green organic entrainers and natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) possessing high boiling points and decomposition temperatures, exhibit considerable potential as advanced materials for green entrainers in extractive distillation. However, there is a wide range of solvents to
Product and process design
Driving sustainable innovation
"Product and process design - driving sustainable innovation" is the 2nd edition of a comprehensive textbook for product and process design courses at BSc, MSc, EngD, and PhD level. It covers both heuristics based design methods as well as systems engineering approaches. It conta
The aim of this study is to introduce and showcase the applicability of the ‘Green-by-Design method’, a tool created by the cooperative Cosun that integrates different indicators involving economic, environmental, inherent safety and health aspects for comparative analysis at an
Carbohydrates are the renewable feedstocks to produce 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) through hexose dehydration. Fructose is widely applied as the raw material in the formation of HMF due to its high rate and selectivity of conversion to HMF. In the HMF production process, the liq
Process Technology
An Introduction, 2nd Edition
The book provides a general overview about process technology. It focuses on the structure and development of production processes, main technological operations and some important aspects of process economics. For the technological operations the authors emphasize operating prin
Deep eutectic solvent (DES) has demonstrated its ability to improve the yield and selectivity in the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) production process. Liquid-liquid extraction is a beneficial process in HMF production to recover HMF from the reaction medium. In the present study,
HMF (5-hydroxymethylfurfural) is a well-known promising product from hexose dehydration used for production of biofuels and chemicals. Liquid-liquid extraction is an essential process in HMF production to recover HMF from reaction medium. One of the important parameters needed in
Different approaches that could be used for process intensification in liquid-liquid extraction and their wide applications in bio-based and chemical processes are described. An approach for process intensification in liquid-liquid extraction could be the use of new materials in
HMF (5-hydroxymethylfurfural) is one of the bio renewable materials that can be used to produce a wide range of chemical products. In the HMF production process, yield and selectivity may be increased by liquid-liquid extraction of HMF using an organic solvent to prevent its degr
Product and process design
Driving Innovation
Product and Process Design: Driving Innovation is a comprehensive textbook for students and industrial professionals. It treats the combined design of innovative products and their innovative manufacturing processes, providing specific methods for BSc, MSc, PDEng and PhD courses.
The aim of this work was to investigate the productivity of continuous lactate fermentations at increased cell densities on simulated lignocellulosic hydrolyzate and wheat straw hydrolyzates using Ca(OH)2suspensions as base. To this end, a semi-automated membrane biore
The separation of the close-boiling point mixture: toluene - methylcyclohexane can be carried out by extractive distillation using the ionic liquid 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetracyanoborate ([hmim][TCB]), reported as promising solvent for the separation of this mixture. Howeve
Ionic liquids (ILs) can replace conventional solvents in separation processes, such as extractive distillation (ED), because of their ability to selectively separate azeotropic/close boiling mixtures. Four case studies were selected: ethanol/water (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dic
The focus of this work is the extraction of the bio-based platform chemical 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) from aqueous solution. HMF is a promising molecule produced from hexoses and can serve as basis for numerous applications such as biofuels and bio-based polymers. The goal of
Spray roasting of metal chloride solutions is frequently used in steel industries to recover pickling liquids. As spray roasting reactors are difficult to characterize experimentally, computational fluid dynamics simu- lations have been used to investigate reactor performance. Th
This paper discusses the conceptual process design for the integrated production of bio-based acetic acid, glycolaldehyde, and acetol from forest residue- and pine-derived pyrolysisoils. Aspen Plus®and Aspen Process Economic Analyzer were used for process simulationand estimating
Solvent impregnated resins (SIRs) were evaluated for the recovery of pyridine derivatives from an aqueous waste-stream containing also acetic acid and succinonitrile. For this purpose, a new solvent was developed, synthesized and impregnated in Amberlite XAD4. Sorption studies we
Solventimpregnatedresinsarepromisingfortheremovalofpolarorganiccompoundsfromaqueous streams, buthavelowmass-transferrates.
Athoroughunderstandingofthephenomenaoccurringinside the oresofthesolventimpregnatedresinisthereforerequired.Inthisstudyamathematicalmodelwas
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