Liquid-liquid equilibria of ternary and quaternary systems involving 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, water, organic solvents, and salts at 313.15 K and atmospheric pressure

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HMF (5-hydroxymethylfurfural) is one of the bio renewable materials that can be used to produce a wide range of chemical products. In the HMF production process, yield and selectivity may be increased by liquid-liquid extraction of HMF using an organic solvent to prevent its degradation. Phase equilibrium data are required for rational design and optimal separation of HMF from the aqueous solution. In this study, liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) data of HMF, water, and methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) or 2-pentanol at 313.15 K (40 °C) and atmospheric pressure were measured and correlated using the NRTL and UNIQUAC models. The root mean square deviations (RMSD) of the NRTL and UNIQUAC models were 0.42% and 0.48% for the MIBK-HMF-water and 0.81% and 0.77% for the 2-pentanol-HMF-water system, respectively. The results indicated that higher distribution coefficients are achieved in the 2-pentanol-HMF-water system compared to the MIBK-HMF-water system. On the other hand, the separation ability of MIBK is better than that of 2-pentanol. In liquid-liquid extraction, not only a high distribution coefficient of HMF is important, but also a high separation factor is desirable to reduce the amount of co-extracted water. Therefore, in the present study the distribution coefficient of HMF from MIBK-HMF-water and the separation factor of the 2-pentanol-HMF-water system was improved by introducing a certain amount of salt into the aqueous solution. The salts examined in this study were based on the variety of cation (Na+, K+) and anion (Cl, SO4
2−). The NRTL model was applied to correlate the LLE of organic solvent-HMF-water-salt systems, the results of which provided good agreement with the experimental data. The presence of salt can enhance the partitioning of HMF into the organic phase as well as the separation factor up to 2 times indicating the salting-out ability of the studied salts. The order of salting-out strength was NaCl > Na2SO4 > KCl > K2SO4 in which Cl and Na+ demonstrated stronger salting-out ability than SO4
2− and K+.


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