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C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen
Academic Work (21)
Conference paper (16)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (4)
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21 records found
Localized extended Kalman filter for scalable real-time traffic state estimation
Journal article (2012) -
CPIJ van Hinsbergen (author)
T. Schreiter (author)
F.S. Zuurbier (author)
J.W.C. Van Lint (author)
Henk Van Van Zuylen (author)
Online estimation of Kalman Filter parameters for traffic state estimation
Conference paper (2010) -
CPIJ van Hinsbergen (author)
T Schreiter (author)
Hans Van Lint (author)
Serge Paul Hoogendoorn (author)
HJ Van Zuylen (author)
Fast traffic state estimation with the localized extended Kalman filter
Conference paper (2010) -
CPIJ van Hinsbergen (author)
T. Schreiter (author)
F.S. Zuurbier (author)
J.W.C. Van Lint (author)
Henk Van Van Zuylen (author)
Data - model synchronization in extended Kalman filters for accurate online traffic state estimation
Conference paper (2010) -
T. Schreiter (author)
CPIJ van Hinsbergen (author)
FS Zuurbier (author)
J. W.C. Van Lint (author)
Serge Hoogendoorn (author)
Bayesian data assimilation for improved modeling of road traffic
Doctoral thesis (2010) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
Bayesian committee of neural networks to predict travel times with confidence intervals
Journal article (2009) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
Hans Lint (author)
Henk Van Zuylen (author)
Urban intersections in first order models with the Godunov scheme
Conference paper (2009) -
CPIJ van Hinsbergen (author)
C Tampere (author)
Hans Van Lint (author)
Henk J. Van Zuylen (author)
Bayesian calibration of car-following models
Conference paper (2009) -
CPIJ van Hinsbergen (author)
J.W.C. Van Lint (author)
Serge Paul Hoogendoorn (author)
Henk Van Zuylen (author)
Bayesian training and committees of state-space neural networks for online travel time prediction
Journal article (2009) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
Hans Lint (author)
Henk Van Zuylen (author)
Bayesian training and committees of state space neural networks for online travel time prediction
Conference paper (2009) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
Hans Lint (author)
Henk Van Zuylen (author)
Application of Bayesian trained neural networks to predict stochastic travel times in urban networks
Conference paper (2009) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
A. Hegyi (author)
J. W.C. Lint (author)
HJ Zuylen (author)
Bayesian combination of travel time prediction models
Conference paper (2008) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
Hans Lint (author)
Neural network committee to predict travel times: comparison of Bayesian evidence approach to the use of a validation set
Conference paper (2008) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
Hans Lint (author)
Henk Van Zuylen (author)
Macroscopic modelling of intersection delay with linearly decreasing turn capacities
Conference paper (2008) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
F.S. Zuurbier (author)
J.W.C. Lint (author)
Henk J. Van Zuylen (author)
Using an LWR model with a cell based Kalman filter to estimate travel times
Conference paper (2008) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
F.S. Zuurbier (author)
J.W.C. Lint (author)
Henk J. Van Zuylen (author)
Bayesian combination of travel time prediction models
Journal article (2008) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
Hans Lint (author)
Bayesian trained neural networks to forecast travel times
Conference paper (2008) -
C.P.I.J. van Hinsbergen (author)
Hans Lint (author)
Henk Van Zuylen (author)
Short term traffic prediction models
Conference paper (2007) -
CPIJ van Hinsbergen (author)
JWC Van Lint (author)
FM Sanders (author)
Short term traffic prediction models
Conference paper (2007) -
CPIJ van Hinsbergen (author)
JWC Van Lint (author)
FM Sanders (author)
Short term traffic prediction models
Conference paper (2007) -
CPIJ van Hinsbergen (author)
JWC Van Lint (author)
FM Sanders (author)