Julio Pérez
5 records found
Hydroxylamine is a nitrogen intermediate of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) that can transiently accumulate during nitrification. The impact of hydroxylamine on aerobic ammonium oxidations is still obscure. In the present study the short and long term impact of hydroxylamine on
Hydroxylamine and the nitrogen cycle
A review
Aerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria were first isolated more than 100 years ago and hydroxylamine is known to be an intermediate. The enzymatic steps involving hydroxylamine conversion to nitrite are still under discussion. For a long time it was assumed that hydroxylamine was di
A three-dimensional (3-D) diffusion-reaction model was used to assess the effects of nitrifiers growing in cell clusters on the apparent oxygen half-saturation coefficients in activated sludge flocs. The model allows conciliation of seemingly contradictory reports by several rese
The enrichment of r-strategist ammonium oxidizing bacteria (r-AOB) to enhance nitritation and effective nitrogen removal was studied. A lab-scale three-compartment reactor system removing nitrogen from synthetic wastewater containing ammonium and COD (NH4 +:
Partial nitritation was stably achieved in a bench-scale airlift reactor (1.5L) containing granular sludge. Continuous operation at 20 °C treating low-strength synthetic wastewater (50 mg N-NH4 +/L and no COD) achieved nitrogen loading rates of 0.8 g N-NH