Sébastien Incerti
6 records found
The authors regret having incorrectly written in equation (7) that the fraction of surviving cells (SF) is obtained using the natural logarithm of the negative value of the number of lethal lesions Lf. The natural logarithm must be replaced by the exponential function
Geant4-DNA example applications for track structure simulations in liquid water
A report from the Geant4-DNA Project
This Special Report presents a description of Geant4-DNA user applications dedicated to the simulation of track structures (TS) in liquid water and associated physical quantities (e.g., range, stopping power, mean free path.). These example applications are included in the Geant4
Mechanistic DNA damage simulations in Geant4-DNA Part 2
Electron and proton damage in a bacterial cell
We extended a generic Geant4 application for mechanistic DNA damage simulations to an Escherichia coli cell geometry, finding electron damage yields and proton damage yields largely in line with experimental results. Depending on the simulation of radical scavenging, electrons do
Mechanistic DNA damage simulations in Geant4-DNA part 1
A parameter study in a simplified geometry
Mechanistic modelling of DNA damage in Monte Carlo simulations is highly sensitive to the parameters that define DNA damage. In this work, we use a simple testing geometry to investigate how different choices of physics models and damage model parameters can change the estimation
We report on the recent progress within the Geant4 electromagnetic physics subpackages. Several new interfaces and models recently introduced are already used in LHC applications and may be useful for any type of simulation. Significant developments were carried out to improve th