13 records found
Outsourcing capabilities, organizational structure and performance quality monitoring
Consumer lifestyles: alternative adoption patterns for advanced mobile services
Mobile travel services: The effect of moderating context factors
Analysis of users and non-users of smart phone applications
Analysis of mobile Internet, map application and game adoption among smartphones users
reconsidering the actual and future use of mobile services
Consumer Lifestyles and The Adoptation of Value Addes Mobile Services
Reconsidering the actual and future use of mobile services
Trends in mobile services in Finland 2004-2006: from ringtones to mobile internet.
An assessment of advanced mobile services acceptance: contributions from TAM and diffusion theory models
From WAP services to mobile video: Trends in Mobile Services in Finland
Barriers and drivers in adopting actual and future mobile serices in Finland.
The role of firm innovativeness and internal barriers of innovation in the new product/new markets strategies followed by smes