Administration questionnaires. The last FIG questionnaire 2022-2026 was just analysed and the FIG working week 2023 (Kalogianni et al. 2023, and in that paper the creation or update, organization and initial analysis of the results from the 4th FIG 3D Land Administration Question
Administration questionnaires. The last FIG questionnaire 2022-2026 was just analysed and the FIG working week 2023 (Kalogianni et al. 2023, and in that paper the creation or update, organization and initial analysis of the results from the 4th FIG 3D Land Administration Questionnaire, as an activity of the FIG Working Group 3D Land Administration 2022-2026 was presented. By sharing this information among the countries/ jurisdictions, a comprehensive inventory will be created. It is expected that cooperation will improve, by learning from the different countries and jurisdictions, to support future developments in the field of 3D land administration. It is noted that, as LADM is finding increasing recognition (Kalogianni et al., 2021), it has been further incorporated into the various sections of the questionnaire. The completed questionnaires, per country are fully available via the participants’ page of the 3D Land Administration Working Group website. The responses have been analyzed and reported in various publications (van Oosterom et al. 2011, van Oosterom et al. 2014 and Shnaidman et al., 2019), while the initial analysis of the 4th Questionnaire has been recently presented by Kalogianni et al. (2023). This paper aims to provide an overview of the developments and plans from the initial questionnaire in 2010, till the future plans for 2026, based on the analyses that have been previously carried out (van Oosterom et al. 2011, van Oosterom et al. 2014 and Shnaidman et al., 2019) and highlighting the results of the analysis from the latest questionnaire. The initial results from the latest questionnaire have been presented by Kalogianni et al. (2023), providing the main outcome from the current status (December 2022), while highlighting the priority axes till 2026 related to the developments of 3D LAS. What is more, an assessment rubric is developed by the team that prepares and analyses the questionnaires, that is actually a scoring of the responses in the various sections of the four (4) questionnaires This assessment process is the first time that is being carried out and it is executed for eight (8) countries and presented in this paper.@en