48 records found
Spectral mapping methods: many problems, some solutions
Imaging spectrometry
Pixel-based, sratified and contextual analysis of hyperspectral imagery
Analysis of spectral absorption features in hyperspectral imagery
The role of remote sensing in mapping swelling soils
Basics of remote sensing
Spatial variability, mapping methods, image analysis and pixels
Effectiveness of spectroscopy in identification of sweling indicators of clay minerals
Classification of soils based on engineering indices and spectral data
Swelling clay mapping for characterizing expansive soils: results from laboratory spectroscopy and HySens DAIS/ROSIS analysis
A unified swelling potential index for expansive soils
Het remote sensing wij-gevoel; ingezonden brief van Johan Cruijf
Preliminary ASTER and INSAR imagery combination for mud vulcano dynamics, Azerbedijan
Preliminary ASTER and InSAR imagery combination for mud volcano dynamics, Azerbaijan
Detecting the influence of gas seepage on vegetation using hyperspectral remote sensing
Cation exchange capacity (CEC) determination from spectroscopy
Issues of effectiveness in empirical methods for describing swelling soils
RS activities in 2002; the Netherlands
Bayesian inversion of imaging spectrometer data using a fuzzy geologic outcrop model