I. Yarulina

23 records found

The catalytic performance of the bifunctional catalyst Mo/HZSM-5 for methane dehydroaromatization (MDA) depends on the Mo dispersion and on zeolite acidity. Here we separately quantify the effect of dispersion and the effe ...
The active sites on the methane dehydroaromatization (MDA) catalyst Mo/HZSM-5 are very hard to characterize, because they are present in various geometries and sizes and only form under reaction conditions with methane at 700 °C. To address these issues an experimental strategy i ...
The mechanism of methane activation on Mo/HZSM-5 is poorly described, despite the great interest in methane dehyd roa romatization (MDA) to replace oil refineries for producing aromatics. It is difficult to assess the exact nature of the active site due to fast coking. By pre-car ...
In small-pore zeolite catalysts, where the size of the pores is limited by eight-ring windows, aromatic hydrocarbon pool molecules that are formed inside the zeolite during the Methanol-to-Olefins (MTO) process cannot exit the pores and are retained inside the catalyst. Hydrocarb ...
Although the local geometry of Mo in Mo/HZSM-5 has been characterized before, we present a systematic way to manipulate the configuration of Mo and link it to its catalytic properties. The location and geometry of cationic Mo-complexes, the precursor of the active metal site for ...

Erratum to

Structure–performance descriptors and the role of Lewis acidity in the methanol-to-propylene process (Nature Chemistry, (2018), 10, 8, (804-812), 10.1038/s41557-018-0081-0)

In the version of this Article originally published, on the right side of Fig. 4b, the ‘Aromatic cycle’ label was erroneously shifted outside of the central circular arrow into a position on part of the reaction cycle. This has been corrected in the online versions of the Article ...
The mechanism of methane activation on Mo/HZSM-5 is not yet fully understood, despite the great interest in methane dehydroaromatization (MDA) to replace aromatics production in oil refineries. It is difficult to assess the exact nature of the active site due to fast coking. By p ...
To secure future supply of aromatics, methane is a commercially interesting alternative feedstock. Direct conversion of methane into aromatics combines the challenge of activating one of the strongest C-H bonds in all hydrocarbons with the selective aromatization over zeolites. T ...
The development of new membranes with high H2 separation performance under industrially relevant conditions (high temperatures and pressures) is of primary importance. For instance, these membranes may facilitate the implementation of energy-efficient precombustion CO< ...

Benzimidazole linked polymers (BILPs) in mixed-matrix membranes

Influence of filler porosity on the CO2/N2 separation performance

The performance of mixed-matrix membranes (MMMs) based on Matrimid® and benzimidazole-linked polymers (BILPs) have been investigated for the separation CO2/N2 and the dependency on the filler porosity. BILPs with two different porosities (BILP-101 ...
The combination of well-defined acid sites, shape-selective properties and outstanding stability places zeolites among the most practically relevant heterogeneous catalysts. The development of structure–performance descriptors for processes that they catalyse has been a matter of ...
The nature and evolution of the hydrocarbon pool (HP) species during the Methanol-to-Olefins (MTO) process for three small-pore zeolite catalysts, with a different framework consisting of large cages interconnected by small eight-ring windows (CHA, DDR, and LEV) was studied at re ...
Zeolites with DDR (Sigma-1 and ZSM-58) and CHA (SSZ-13) topology were synthesized by seed assisted and direct hydrothermal synthesis in order to investigate the effects of fast crystal growth on catalytic performance. Application of small amount of seeds (0.1% wt) significantly r ...
Interpretation of catalytic performance during the MTH process is hampered by heat transport phenomena. We demonstrate that large temperature rises can occur during fixed bed labscale catalyst testing of ZSM-5, even when a large catalyst bed dilution is applied. Formation of meso ...

Methanol-to-olefins process over zeolite catalysts with DDR topology

Effect of composition and structural defects on catalytic performance

A systematic study of the effect of physicochemical properties affecting catalyst deactivation, overall olefin selectivity and ethylene/propylene ratio during the methanol-to-olefins (MTO) reaction is presented for two zeolites with the DDR topology, namely Sigma-1 and ZSM-58. Bo ...
The front cover artwork for Issue 19/2016 is provided by researchers from the Catalysis Engineering group at TU Delft (The Netherlands). The image shows that after impregnation with Ca, ZSM-5 becomes a “super-catalyst”, which is able to suppress formation of aromatics thus increa ...
Incorporation of Ca in ZSM-5 results in a twofold increase of propylene selectivity (53 %), a total light-olefin selectivity of 90 %, and a nine times longer catalyst lifetime (throughput 792 gMeOH gcatalyst −1) in the methanol-to-olefins ...