32 records found
An experimental power-lines model for digital asics based on transmission lines
Analysis of electrothermal effects in bipolar differential pairs
nfluence of layout design and on-wafer heatspreaders on the thermal behavior of fully-isolated bipolar transistors: part II-dynamic analysis
Influence of layout design and on-wafer heatspreaders on the thermal behavior of fully-isolated bipolar transistors: part 1-static analysis
Numerical analysis of the dynamic thermal behavior of RF bipolar transistors
Influence of Concurrent Electrothermal and Avalanche Effects on the Safe Operating Area of Multifinger Bipolar Transistors
Electrothermal Behavior of Highly-Symmetric Three-Finger Bipolar Transistors
Thermal transient behavior of silicon-on-glass BJTs
Evaluating the self-heating thermal resistance of bipolar transistors by DC measurements: A critical review and update
Analysis of the Bipolar Current Mirror Including Electrothermal and Avalanche Effects
Impact of aluminum nitride heatspreaders on the thermal impedance of silicon-on-glass BJTs
Thermal design of fully-isolated bipolar transistors
SOA Reduction due to combined electrothermal and avalanche effects in multifinger bipolar transistors
Electrothermal Effects in Bipolar Differential Pairs
Restabilizing mechanisms after the onset of thermal instability in bipolar transistors
Thermally induced current bifurcation in bipolar transistors
Trade-offs in RF performance and electrothermal ruggedness of multifinger SiGe power cells
FEAT - a simulation tool for electrothermal analysis of multifinger bipolar transistors
Analytical thermal modeling of flip-chip mounted semiconductor optical amplifiers
A scalable physical model for coplanar waveguide transition in flip-chip applications