The automotive industry is experiencing a significant shift towards advanced electronic and software integration, driven by the increasing demand for self-driving and autonomous vehicles. With electronics now making up a major portion of vehicle costs, ensuring their reliable ope
The automotive industry is experiencing a significant shift towards advanced electronic and software integration, driven by the increasing demand for self-driving and autonomous vehicles. With electronics now making up a major portion of vehicle costs, ensuring their reliable operation is critical. However, as the complexity of automotive systems increases, so do the risks associated with malfunctions, requiring a critical need for robust safety measures. Functional Safety (FuSa), as defined by ISO 26262, provides a framework for addressing these concerns at different stages of the safety lifecycle. The primary aim of FuSa is to develop Safety Mechanisms (SM) to detect faults and recover from them. The efficiency of these SMs is indicated by Diagnostic Coverage (DC), which represents the percentage of detected faults. In this context, there are several challenges in verifying the functional safety of automotive chips, especially with RTL designs. For example, identification of safe faults is one of the initial steps in FuSa verification. Discrepancies are observed in their classification when utilising different techniques such as Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG), formal methods and fault injection simulation. This raises questions about the accuracy of overall results obtained from these tools as well. Varying outcomes from fault simulation EDA tools in classifying faults may result in different Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASIL) assigned to the component being assessed. This discrepancy would misrepresent the component's ability to reduce associated risks, highlighting the importance of conducting a detailed analysis and comparison of the tools.
The thesis provides a comprehensive evaluation of EDA tools utilized for Functional Safety Verification, focusing on RTL designs. Scripts are developed to automate fault simulation flows of two prominent FuSa EDA tools, XFS by Cadence and VC Z01X by Synopsys, and derive automatic comparisons. By comparing these tools, their strengths and limitations are analyzed. XFS exhibits limitations in fault propagation on input and output ports, resulting in the omission of certain fault scenarios. VC Z01X showcases faster fault simulation capabilities along with an extensive feature set for fault simulation, but lacks support for transient fault injection on a section of the fault subspace. By applying the automated tool flows on a FIFO design enabled with ECC, the DC obtained from XFS and VC Z01X are 68.96% and 80.47% respectively, showcasing a major difference. These findings highlight the importance of a holistic verification methodology that accurately estimates diagnostic coverage.
A novel verification methodology is proposed, which combines the strengths of XFS and VC Z01X to optimize the efficiency and accuracy of fault simulation. Leveraging VC Z01X's concurrent engine for parallel fault injection and XFS's capabilities to cover the unexplored fault space, this integrated approach provides comprehensive fault coverage. The flow also provides users the capability to update fault classification results based on manual analysis or designer inputs, thereby changing the DC as well. The verification methodology is applied to the AutoSoC benchmark suite, an automotive System-on-Chip with configurable SMs. Based on the results, additional SMs are implemented in the AutoSoC design - duplication of pipeline stages with temporal redundancy and ECC on internal memories. This leads to an estimated area increase of 1.4x as compared to the baseline design, but also results in the qualification of an ASIL C level component with a DC of 97.79%. The baseline verification flow included in the benchmark suite provides a DC of 98.36%, which is an over estimation of the actual coverage. The proposed methodology provides a more accurate coverage by taking into account the maximum possible fault space and considering transient faults as well. While there remains room for further improvement in verification methodologies, this framework effectively addresses the fault space required for FuSa verification and provides an accurate estimation of Diagnostic Coverage.