Deep sea mining is an upcoming industry that comes with many unknowns. One of these uncertainties is the interaction between the deep sea mining collector and the seabed. Allseas collaborates with DeepGreen Metals to collect nodules in the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Pac
Deep sea mining is an upcoming industry that comes with many unknowns. One of these uncertainties is the interaction between the deep sea mining collector and the seabed. Allseas collaborates with DeepGreen Metals to collect nodules in the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific Ocean. The CCZ seabed consists of a very soft cohesive soil. During a blackout, the collector sinks considerably into the soil. It must be retrieved as losing such an expensive asset is not desired. The umbilical is intended to lift the collector from the seabed. However, the umbilical has its limits due to its lifting capacity. Therefore, research is done to estimate the breakout force of the collector and to find possible load reduction options to stay within the umbilical’s boundaries. The breakout process is time-dependent and contains multiple soil resistance forces. These soil resistance factors are the suction, adhesion, side resistance and added soil mass. The soil suction is the dominant force, adding resisting during a breakout. Different load reduction options (e.g. eccentric lifting, perforations) are discussed, to reduce the breakout force of the object. However, in previous research the extracted objects are rigid, while the tracks of the collector are flexible to some extent. Experiments are conducted to investigate the effect of flexibility on the breakout force compared to rigid objects. Four experiments are executed in the laboratory, to test four different effects on the breakout, namely: the flexibility, grousers, eccentric lift and in situ time experiments. A test setup is designed to execute these experiments and five different test samples are selected, varying in size and material properties. During the experiments, the samples are extracted from an artificial CCZ soil. The experimental results are used to calibrate and validate the model. The model is developed to simulate the breakout process and to make an estimation of the required force to lift the collector from the seabed. The model consists of three main components: the lifting mechanism, soil and the object that should be lifted. A combination of the literature survey, experiments and the model provides sufficient information to estimate the lifting force of the collector. Load reduction options can be applied to reduce the breakout force during a quick lift. During a slow lift the collector can be retrieved from the seabed without additional load reduction options.