Renewable sources are gaining more importance now than ever. As a consequence, the development and complexity of electricity grids are rising. This thesis is part of a project which aims to comprehend and package the integration of such complex grids into something more understan
Renewable sources are gaining more importance now than ever. As a consequence, the development and complexity of electricity grids are rising. This thesis is part of a project which aims to comprehend and package the integration of such complex grids into something more understandable such as a demonstrator tool. More precisely, how do you find a solution to model these kinds of components inside a grid to something easier and touchy? In the context of this thesis, this means that sources, loads and energy storage in today’s grids need modelling to represent their operations. Based on models in literature studies, a correct operational way of modelling is discussed and worked out. Several cases will be presented where the operation of such models is verified and presented. Experimental results show that the accuracy of these models comes very close with actual data values from manufacturers. On the basis of these results it is stated that a tool such as this thesis describes, will resemble such a transition appropriately and therefore helps for better understanding.