The current research stems from the motivation of controlling the phenomenon of traffic congestion in urban areas that can be deteriorated due to the implementation of a construction project. Nowadays, it is frequently observed that construction activities in complex urban enviro
The current research stems from the motivation of controlling the phenomenon of traffic congestion in urban areas that can be deteriorated due to the implementation of a construction project. Nowadays, it is frequently observed that construction activities in complex urban environments appear undesirable effects on the communities surrounding the location of the construction project having as a focal point the “construction traffic”. Nonetheless, existing studies indicate traffic congestion is a significant contributor to the inefficient management of construction logistics. Unsuccessfully managing a project’s construction logistics is strongly correlated with the unsatisfactory performance of the construction process mostly due to the occurrence of delays in the implementation of the construction activities related to incorrect delivery of building materials and construction equipment. Likewise, inefficient management of construction logistics can lead to unmanageable traffic levels derived from additional transportation volumes related to the construction process. Since the multi-faced issue of traffic congestion can cause both a negative “domino effect” on the construction activities towards the realization of a construction project as well as unfavorable effects on urban city’s living conditions, positively impactful ways ought to be researched for reducing the adverse consequences of uncontrollable traffic. This thesis works for designing and developing a transportation prognosis model that can predict the extra transportation volumes on the location of the construction project due to the transportation activity of the needed vehicles along the construction process, offering an insight into traffic conditions of the examined relevant road. In this way, the designed prognosis model can be used as a proactive tool since it indicates if and when uncontrollable traffic levels can occur.