Astrid M.L. Kappers
7 records found
Vibrations on the back of a person can convey information about direction through sequentially switching on two vibration motors. For perception of direction the oblique effect can occur, meaning that perception of cardinal directions is more precise than perception of oblique di
We investigate the ability of human observers to judge the direction of illumination from image texture. Photographs of 61 real surfaces were used, taken from the Columbia-Utrecht Reflectance and Texture (Curet) database (http://www.cs.columbia.edu/CAVE/curet). All samples were n
Image texture due to 3D surface corrugations ("3D texture") differs fundamentally from image texture due to pigmentation variations of a smooth surface ("flat texture"). Flat texture yields no information concerning the way the surface is illuminated, whereas 3D texture is highly
In four experiments, we tested whether haptic comparison of curvature ranging from -4/m to +4/m is qualitatively the same for static and for dynamic touch. In Experiments 1 and 3, we tested whether static and dynamic curvature discrimination are based on height differences, attit
We investigated whether haptic comparison of the curvature of strips is influenced by the tilt (the average slope relative to the horizontal) of the curved strips. This particular stimulus manipulation was chosen to decide between two broad ways in which dynamic curvature compari
An investigation was undertaken into whether haptic comparison of curvature and of shape is influenced by the length/width ratio of the hand. For this purpose three experiments were conducted to test the curvature matching of curved strips (experiment 1), the matching of cylindri
Static haptic discrimination of the curvature of convex, concave, or straight 20-cm-long strips was investigated for nine placements on the hand. In one condition, the strips were touched with the palmar side of the hand, and in the other condition, with the dorsal side. The infl