S.F. te Pas
16 records found
Light Shapes
Perception-Based Visualizations of the Global Light Transport
In computer graphics, illuminating a scene is a complex task, typically consisting of cycles of adjusting and rendering the scene to see the effects. We propose a technique for visualization of light as a tensor field via extracting its properties (i.e., intensity, direction, dif
In this article, we studied perception of a particular case of light fields that is characterized by a difference in its consistent structure between parts of a scene. In architectural lighting design, such a consistent structure in a part of a light field is called a light zone.
Human observers are able to successfully infer direction and intensity of light from photographed scenes despite complex interactions between light, shape, and material. We investigate how well they are able to distinguish other low-level aspects of illumination, such as the diff
Human observers are sensitive to light properties such as the intensity, direction and diffuseness. We study how well they are able to estimate the light field (the structure of the net flux transport) in rooms, by empirical measurement and comparison of the physical and visual l
Introduction: Human observers seem to robustly and effortlessly classify material properties, even when the optical input changes completely due to illumination changes. Previous research by Fleming et al. (2003) shows that the complexity of the illumination affects our judgments
The appearance of objects depends on their material, shape, and on the illumination conditions. Conversely, object appearance provides us with cues about the illumination and the material. This so-called inverse problem is basically underdetermined and therefore we expect that ma
The appearance of objects in natural scenes is determined by their reflectance, their 3D texture, their shape and by the nature of the illumination. Results of previous experiments using computer generated images of spheres with different reflectance modes and under different can
We investigate the ability of human observers to judge the direction of illumination from image texture. Photographs of 61 real surfaces were used, taken from the Columbia-Utrecht Reflectance and Texture (Curet) database ( All samples were n
Image texture due to 3D surface corrugations ("3D texture") differs fundamentally from image texture due to pigmentation variations of a smooth surface ("flat texture"). Flat texture yields no information concerning the way the surface is illuminated, whereas 3D texture is highly