Jia Hu
10 records found
Real-world route navigation data indicate that nontrivial portion of drivers do not prefer the system-recommended best routes. Current navigation systems have simplified assumptions about drivers’ route choice preferences and do not adequately accommodate drivers’ heterogeneous r
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control with Robustness against Communication Delay
An Approach in the Space Domain
In this research, an optimal control-based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) system is proposed. The proposed system is able to enforce a target time gap between platoon members and is formulated in the space domain instead of the time domain which is adopted by most opt
Constant spacing-based platooning systems cannot guarantee string stability if platoon members only use the preceding vehicle's information. To meet string stability specification, leader-predecessor-follower (LPF) platooning systems are proposed to incorporate the information of
Communication delay is detrimental to the performance of cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) systems. In this paper, we incorporate communication delay explicitly into control design and propose a delay-compensating CACC. In this new CACC system, the semi-constant time gap
A motion planner enabling cooperative lane changing
Reducing congestion under partially connected and automated environment
A cooperative lane-changing (CLC) motion planning algorithm for partially connected and automated environment is proposed in this study. Unlike conventional motion planner whose goal is merely enabling driving maneuver, this proposed algorithm takes one step further in terms of r
This study evaluated the performance of an eco-approach control system at signalized intersections under a partially connected and automated vehicle (CAV) environment. This system has the first eco-approach controller able to function with the existence of surrounding human-drive
Optimal control based CACC
Problem formulation, solution, and stability analysis
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) in previous researches typically refers to the linear controller with a gap policy. The system could not be designed to fulfill multiple objectives. This inspires the concept of optimal control based CACC in this paper. The basic procedu
In weaving areas, vehicles frequently carry out conflicting lane-changing manoeuvres. The frequent lane change in this area results in rapid changes in vehicles’ speed, which in turn reduces traffic efficiency and create traffic bottlenecks at weaving areas. This research propose
This research proposed an eco-driving system for an isolated signalized intersection under partially Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) environment. This system prioritizes mobility before improving fuel efficiency and optimizes the entire traffic flow by optimizing speed pro
This research presents an integrated optimal controller to maximize the fuel efficiency of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) traveling on rolling terrain. The controller optimizes both the vehicle acceleration and the hybrid powertrain operation. It takes advantage of the emerging