Structures are considered safe,when they comply with minimum reliability requirementswhich are expressed by a minimum reliability index ¯ in the Eurocodes (EN1990). However, a complete reliability assessment for every structure would be very time-consuming. Therefore in the Euroc
Structures are considered safe,when they comply with minimum reliability requirementswhich are expressed by a minimum reliability index ¯ in the Eurocodes (EN1990). However, a complete reliability assessment for every structure would be very time-consuming. Therefore in the Eurocode a partial factor approach is utilized. In this research it is investigated how the reliability of the main bearing structure of a dynamically sensitive building designed within the Eurocode framework can be assessed in a full-probabilistic way for global response to wind loading including both size and dynamic effects. The global response of buildings to wind loading as well as uncertainties in this wind load have been the subject of many research, but few reference has been made to the reliability of structures by linking both aspects. Current research provides
this link and investigates the reliability of these buildings with respect to the target reliability in EN1990. For the purpose of this research the methods were developed for alongwind response at foundation level of the main bearing structure for slender high-rise buildings with a concrete core bearing structure.