Q.D. Boersma

11 records found


The positive impact that natural fractures can have on geothermal heat production from low-permeability reservoirs has become increasingly recognised and proven by subsurface case studies. In this study, we assess the potential impact of natural fractures on heat extraction fr ...

In layered materials, the deformation style, orientation, confinement, and 3D connectivity of natural fractures is generally impacted by changes in sedimentary facies and alternations in mechanical properties. In this study we address this effect and perform a numerical sensit ...

Natural fault and fracture network characterization for the southern Ekofisk field

A case study integrating seismic attribute analysis with image log interpretation

Production from the Ekofisk Chalk Field in the North Sea is believed to be significantly influenced by the presence of a connected fault and fracture network. In the current study, we create a 3D seismic discontinuity cube which is representative of this network within the sou ...

Natural Fracture Network Characterisation

Numerical modelling, outcrop analysis and subsurface data

Responsibly using the subsurface for geo-energy extraction or storage requires an accurate understanding of the static and dynamic behaviour of the targeted reservoirs. While mostly dependent on intrinsic rock properties (e.g. porosity and permeability), this behaviour is also be ...

Natural fracture prediction

A multiscale integration of seismic data, image logs and numerical forward modelling

Natural fracture networks are commonly observed in tight carbonate and chalk reservoirs and are believed to have significant impact on the effective permeability and potential fluid flow behavior. For instance, production from chalk fields in the North Sea is believed to be ai ...

Open natural fractures allow fluids to flow, which is necessary for the production of low-permeable geothermal and petroleum reservoirs. These reservoirs often consist of lithological layers with significant variation in rock strength, which makes it difficult to predict fracture ...

Linking natural fractures to karst cave development

A case study combining drone imagery, a natural cave network and numerical modelling

In carbonate rocks, channelized fluid flow through fracture conduits can result in the development of large and connected karst networks. These cavity systems have been found in multiple hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoirs, and are often associated with high-permeability zon ...

Orthogonal fracture networks form an arrangement of open well-connected fractures which have perpendicular abutment angles and sometimes show topological relations by which fracture sets abut against each other, thus forming a nested network. Previous modelling studies have sh ...

The potential of shale reservoirs for gas extraction is largely determined by the permeability of the rock. Typical pore diameters in shales range from the μm down to the nm scale. The permeability of shale reservoirs is a function of the interconnectivity between the pore spa ...

Orthogonal fracture networks (ladder-like networks) are arrangements that are commonly observed in outcrop studies. They form a particularly dense and well connected network which can play an important role in the effective permeability of tight hydrocarbon or geothermal reservoi ...