Francesco Vinci
5 records found
Displacement-distance diagrams are valuable for studying fault interactions and growth. Examples of displacement patterns for faults that underwent multiple reactivation events are limited. This study presents along-strike and along-dip displacement-distance diagrams for nine bas
The West Netherlands Basin, which has a long history in exploration as a former prosperous hydrocarbon province, is currently a geothermal hotspot. Being exploited since the 1950’s, most of its oil and gas fields are now in their final phase of production. In the past decade, int
Multiple phase rifting and subsequent inversion in the West Netherlands Basin
Implications for geothermal reservoir characterization
Aiming to contribute to the energy transition, this study provides an integrated picture of the geothermal system hosted in the West Netherlands Basin and shows how the reconstruction of the basin's geological history can contribute to the correct exploration and exploitation of
In rift basins, the spatial arrangement of extensional faults can influence the facies and the thickness distribution of the syn- and post-sedimentary infill, which can harbour good potential for geothermal systems. In this framework, unravelling the tectono-stratigraphic evoluti
The impact of natural fractures on heat extraction from tight Triassic sandstones in the West Netherlands Basin
A case study combining well, seismic and numerical data
The positive impact that natural fractures can have on geothermal heat production from low-permeability reservoirs has become increasingly recognised and proven by subsurface case studies. In this study, we assess the potential impact of natural fractures on heat extraction from