This thesis describes the design and implementation of a controller and GUI for an AI loudspeaker filter design program. This program uses a genetic algorithm to create a combination of analog passive filters, one for each driver in a loudspeaker system. In the controller, two co
This thesis describes the design and implementation of a controller and GUI for an AI loudspeaker filter design program. This program uses a genetic algorithm to create a combination of analog passive filters, one for each driver in a loudspeaker system. In the controller, two cost functions are designed to evaluate these filter combinations, and when the genetic algorithm has created its final filters, unnecessary components are removed and all component values are optimized. A GUI is created to allow easy user interaction.
For selecting a cost function, not enough data was obtained to make a deliberate decision based on performance. Therefore, this decision was based on theory and subordinate features. Nonetheless, the final program is able to create flat acoustic responses in a margin of 2 dB.