Jan Schneider

10 records found

Novices Make More Noise!

The D&K Effect 2.0?

This paper presents an approach that helps distinguish expert and novice performance easily by observing the sensor data without having to understand nor apply models to the sensor signal. The method consists of plotting the sensor data and identifying irregularities. We corrobor ...
While digital education technologies have improved to make educational resources more available, the modes of interaction they implement remain largely unnatural for the learner. Modern sensor-enabled computer systems allow extending human-computer interfaces for multimodal commu ...
This paper presents results from our design and evaluation studies of the Learning Analytics Cockpit (LA Cockpit) for a quiz app, which aims to provide lecturers with important information about students’ knowledge levels. We define a LA Cockpit as a tool for instructors that ena ...
Im Forschungsfeld Learning Analytics haben Studien konkrete Beispiele dazu geliefert, wie die direkte Interaktion mit sog. Learning-Management-Systemen zur Optimierung und zum besseren Verständnis von Lernprozessen dienen kann. Allerdings findet Lernen nicht nur in der unmittelba ...

Read between the lines

An annotation tool for multimodal data for learning

This paper introduces the Visual Inspection Tool (VIT) which supports researchers in the annotation of multimodal data as well as the processing and exploitation for learning purposes. While most of the existing Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA) solutions are tailor-made for s ...
Educational practitioners have stressed the relevance of providing learners with a set of 21th century skills that will allow them to face current life challenges. Among others this includes communication and social skills such as public speaking, argumentation, negotiation, etc. ...

The big five

Addressing recurrent multimodal learning data challenges

The analysis of multimodal data in learning is a growing field of research, which has led to the development of different analytics solutions. However, there is no standardised approach to handle multimodal data. In this paper, we describe and outline a solution for five recurren ...

Multimodal Learning Hub

A Tool for Capturing Customizable Multimodal Learning Experiences

Studies in Learning Analytics provide concrete examples of how the analysis of direct interactions with learning management systems can be used to optimize and understand the learning process. Learning, however, does not necessarily only occur when the learner is directly interac ...
The WEKIT.one prototype is a platform for immersive procedural training with wearable sensors and Augmented Reality. Focusing on capture and re-enactment of human expertise, this work looks at the unique affordances of suitable hard- and software technologies. The practical chall ...