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K. Lutchmiah
Academic Work (14)
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Conference paper (3)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (5)
Poster (1)
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14 records found
Continuous and discontinuous pressure assisted osmosis (PAO)
Journal article (2015) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
DJH Harmsen (author)
BA Wols (author)
Louis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L. C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
LC Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
LC Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Rietveld (author)
Luuk Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L. C. Rietveld (author)
J Qin (author)
ER Cornelissen (author)
Forward osmosis leidt tot duurzamere behandeling afvalwater
Journal article (2014) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
available online 02-07-2014@en
available online 02-07-2014@en
Zwitterions as alternative draw solutions in forward osmosis for application in wastewater reclamation
Journal article (2014) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
L Lauber (author)
K Roest (author)
DJH Harmsen (author)
JW Post (author)
L.C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Rietveld (author)
L. C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L. C. Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Rietveld (author)
LC Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
LC Rietveld (author)
L.C. Rietveld (author)
Jules B. Van Lier (author)
Jules van Lier (author)
JB Van Lier (author)
J.B. van Lier (author)
J. B. van Lier (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Jules Van Lier (author)
J.B. Van Lier (author)
J. B. Van Lier (author)
Jules B. van Lier (author)
ER Cornelissen (author)
Reclaiming water from wastewater using forward osmosis
Doctoral thesis (2014) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
Luuk C. Rietveld (promotor)
L.C. Rietveld (promotor)
L.C. Cornelis Rietveld (promotor)
Luuk Rietveld (promotor)
L. C. Rietveld (promotor)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (promotor)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (promotor)
Luuk Cornelis Rietveld (promotor)
Louis Rietveld (promotor)
L. C. Cornelis Rietveld (promotor)
LC Rietveld (promotor)
Luuk C. Cornelis Rietveld (promotor)
LC Cornelis Rietveld (promotor)
Louis Cornelis Cornelis Rietveld (promotor)
Forward osmosis for application in wastewater treatment: A review
Journal article (2014) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
A.R.D. Verliefde (author)
ARD Verliefde (author)
K Roest (author)
L.C. Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Rietveld (author)
LC Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
LC Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L. C. Rietveld (author)
L.C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Rietveld (author)
Luuk Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L. C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
ER Cornelissen (author)
EDTA: A synthetic draw solution for forward osmosis
Conference paper (2013) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
JW Post (author)
L.C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Rietveld (author)
L.C. Rietveld (author)
L. C. Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
LC Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Rietveld (author)
L. C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Rietveld (author)
LC Rietveld (author)
ER Cornelissen (author)
Pressure assisted osmosis (PAO) to enhance forward osmosis (FO) performance
Poster (2012) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
ER Cornelissen (author)
DJH Harmsen (author)
B Wols (author)
ARD Verliefde (author)
A.R.D. Verliefde (author)
JW Post (author)
South Africa
Book chapter (2012) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
Additional feed pressure (pulsation) to increase forward osmosis membrane performance
Abstract (2011) -
E Cornelissen (author)
K. Lutchmiah (author)
D Harmsen (author)
J Qin (author)
J Kappelhof (author)
Performance of forward osmosis membranes in sewage treatment
Conference paper (2011) -
K Roest (author)
K. Lutchmiah (author)
D Harmsen (author)
F. Zandvoort (author)
LC Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L. C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
LC Rietveld (author)
Louis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L. C. Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Rietveld (author)
H Ramaekers (author)
K Lampi (author)
Jan Post (author)
J Post (author)
ER Cornelissen (author)
Water recovery from sewage using forward osmosis membranes
Abstract (2011) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
ER Cornelissen (author)
D Harmsen (author)
J Post (author)
Jan Post (author)
K Lampi (author)
J.G. Ramaekers (author)
L. C. Rietveld (author)
L. C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
LC Rietveld (author)
LC Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Rietveld (author)
Louis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Rietveld (author)
Luuk Rietveld (author)
Luuk Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
K Roest (author)
Water recovery from sewage using forward osmosis
Journal article (2011) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
ER Cornelissen (author)
D Harmsen (author)
J Post (author)
Jan Post (author)
K Lampi (author)
J.G. Ramaekers (author)
L. C. Rietveld (author)
L. C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
LC Rietveld (author)
LC Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Rietveld (author)
Louis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Rietveld (author)
Luuk Rietveld (author)
Luuk Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
K Roest (author)
Water recovery from sewage using forward osmosis
Conference paper (2011) -
K. Lutchmiah (author)
ER Cornelissen (author)
D Harmsen (author)
JW Post (author)
K Roest (author)
Innovative water and energy recovery from sewage
Abstract (2010) -
K Roest (author)
K. Lutchmiah (author)
D Harmsen (author)
Jan Post (author)
J Post (author)
K Lampi (author)
J van der Ven (author)
J Kappelhof (author)
LC Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L. C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
LC Rietveld (author)
Louis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk Cornelis Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Rietveld (author)
Luuk C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L. C. Rietveld (author)
Louis Cornelis Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Cornelis Rietveld (author)
L.C. Rietveld (author)
E Cornelissen (author)