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JR Gajadharsing
Academic Work (4)
Journal article (4)
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4 records found
A 90W peak power GaN outphasing amplifier with optimum input signal conditioning
Journal article (2009) -
JH Batool (author)
JH Batool (author)
J.H. Qureshi (author)
J.H. Qureshi (author)
JH Qureshi (author)
JH Qureshi (author)
J.H. Batool (author)
J.H. Batool (author)
Marco J. Pelk (author)
Marco J. Pelk (author)
M Pelk (author)
M Pelk (author)
M.J. Pelk (author)
M.J. Pelk (author)
M. Marchetti (author)
M. Marchetti (author)
M. Marchetti (author)
WCE Neo (author)
JR Gajadharsing (author)
MP van der Heijden (author)
LCN de Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de Vreede (author)
LCN Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de Vreede (author)
Leonardus Cornelis Nicolaas Vreede (author)
Leo De Vreede (author)
Leo C.N. De Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de De Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de de Vreede (author)
Leonardus De Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. De Vreede (author)
Leonardus Cornelis Nicolaas De Vreede (author)
Leo Vreede (author)
Leonardus Vreede (author)
LCN De Vreede (author)
L.C.N. De Vreede (author)
Leo C.N. Vreede (author)
Leonardus Cornelis Nicolaas de Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de De Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de de Vreede (author)
L.C.N. Vreede (author)
Leonardus de Vreede (author)
Leo de Vreede (author)
Leo C.N. de Vreede (author)
A high-efficiency 100W GaN doherty amplifier for base-station applications
Journal article (2008) -
M.J. Pelk (author)
Marco J. Pelk (author)
M Pelk (author)
WCE Neo (author)
JR Gajadharsing (author)
RS Pengelly (author)
Leonardus de Vreede (author)
Leo De Vreede (author)
Leo C.N. de Vreede (author)
Leo C.N. De Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de Vreede (author)
LCN Vreede (author)
LCN de Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de Vreede (author)
Leo C.N. Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de De Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de de Vreede (author)
Leonardus Cornelis Nicolaas de Vreede (author)
Leo de Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de Vreede (author)
Leonardus Cornelis Nicolaas Vreede (author)
LCN De Vreede (author)
L.C.N. De Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. De Vreede (author)
Leonardus Vreede (author)
Leonardus Cornelis Nicolaas De Vreede (author)
Leonardus De Vreede (author)
L.C.N. Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de De Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de de Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. Vreede (author)
Leo Vreede (author)
A mixed-signal approach towards linear and efficient n-way Doherty amplifiers
Journal article (2007) -
WCE Neo (author)
J.H. Qureshi (author)
J.H. Batool (author)
JH Qureshi (author)
JH Batool (author)
M Pelk (author)
M.J. Pelk (author)
Marco J. Pelk (author)
JR Gajadharsing (author)
Theory and design of an ultra-linear square-law approximated LDMOS power amplifier in class-AB operation
Journal article (2002) -
MP van der Heijden (author)
HC de Graaff (author)
Leo C. N. de Vreede (author)
Leonardus De Vreede (author)
Leonardus Cornelis Nicolaas de Vreede (author)
L.C.N. De Vreede (author)
LCN Vreede (author)
LCN De Vreede (author)
Leo C.N. de Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de de Vreede (author)
Leo de Vreede (author)
L.C.N. Vreede (author)
Leo C.N. De Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de de Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de De Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. De Vreede (author)
Leonardus Cornelis Nicolaas De Vreede (author)
Leo De Vreede (author)
Leonardus Vreede (author)
Leonardus Cornelis Nicolaas Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de Vreede (author)
Leonardus de Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de De Vreede (author)
LCN de Vreede (author)
Leo Vreede (author)
Leo C.N. Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. Vreede (author)
Leo C. N. de Vreede (author)
L.C.N. de Vreede (author)
JR Gajadharsing (author)
JN Burghartz (author)
JN Burghartz (author)