Ides Nicaise
5 records found
Towards inclusive service delivery through social investment in Romania
An analysis of five sectors, with a particular focus on Early Childhood Education and Care in Roma communities
This report constitutes Deliverable 6.1 ‘National case study reports on social investment in basic service markets’, for Work Package x of the RE-InVEST project.@en
Towards inclusive service delivery through social investment in England
An analysis of five sectors with a particular focus on mental health
This report examines trends in social investment in England following the financial crisis of 2007/8. The first section considers social investment in relation to four policy arenas: housing, financial services, early childhood education and care, and water. The second part of th
Towards inclusive service delivery through social investment in Flanders
An analysis of five sectors with a particular focus on water provision
Towards inclusive service markets through social investment in the EU
The case of early childhood education and care
This report provides an overview of social investment for early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Europe in general and in eight of the RE-InVEST partner countries in particular - Belgium, England, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, and Scotland - employing
Towards inclusive service delivery through social investment in Portugal
An analysis of five sectors with a particular focus on early childhood education and care (ECEC)
Portugal was submitted to Troika Memorandum of Understanding (2012-2014) and fiscal consolidation measures were implemented to achieve efficiency costs. Spending cuts in education, health system and social security were performed. The access to social benefits such as family allo