12 records found
Magnetic-multilayered interconnects featuring skin effect suppression
Integrated microstrip lines with Co-Ta-Zr magnetic films
Self-consistent calculation of shape anisotropy for micropatterned thin FeNi films for on-chip RF applications
Patterned FeNi thin film for RF and microwave components
Assessment of ferromagnetic integrated inductors for Si-technology
Integrated solenoid inductors with patterned, sputter-deposited Cr/Fe10Co90/Cr ferromagnetic cores
Patterned magnetic thin films for RF application
Investigation of microstrips with NiFe magnetic thin film (II): modelling
Investigation of microstrips with NiFe magnetic thin film (I): experiment
Ferromagnetic RF inductors and transformers for standard CMOS/BiCMOS
Microstrips with micro-patterned Ni78Fe22 Ferromagnetic film for RF passives
GHz bandstop microstrip filter using patterned Ni78Fe22 Ferromagnetic film