51 records found
'De Gouden Driehoek of de Bermuda Triangle' De samenwerking tussen markt, overheid en universiteiten: kans of bedreiging?
Scale-up of stirring as foam disruption (SAFD) to industrial scale
The slurry decontamination process - Bioprocessing of contaminated solid waste streams (niet eerder opgenomen)
Hydrodynamics of countercurrent two-phase flow in a centrifugal field.
Physiological responses to mixing in large scale bioreactors.
CMA: integration of fluid dynamics and microbial kinetics in modelling of large-scale fermentations.
Mixing in large-scale vessels stirred with multiple radial or radial and axial up-pumping impellers: modelling and measurements.
Partitioning behavior of amino acids in aqueous two-phase systems with recyclable volatile salts.
Mass transfer performance of centrifugal adsorption technology.
Feasible Boundaries of Aqueous Two-Phase Systems with NH3 and CO2 as Recyclable Volatile Salts.
Non-separating effects in a centrifuged partition chromatographic reactor for the enzymatic production of L-amino acids
Poly(ethylene glycol) salt aqueous two-phase systems with easily recyclable volatile salts
Flooding characteristics of aqueous two-phase systems in a countercurrent sieve-plate column
Compartment model approach: mixing in large scale aerated reactors with multiple impellers
Course book Advanced Course on Environmental Biotechnology. Revised edition.
Correlating the phase behaviour of semi-synthetic antibiotics and their presursors in water + 1-butanol mixtures
Course book Advanced Course on Downstream Processing. Revised edition.
Regime analysis of fermentations with Streptomyces clavuligerus.