Frank Schoonenberg Kegel
4 records found
Rapid sand filters are established and widely applied technologies for groundwater treatment. In these filters, main groundwater contaminants such as iron, manganese, and ammonium are oxidized and removed. Conventionally, intensive aeration is employed to provide oxygen for these
Rapid sand filters (RSF) are an established and widely applied technology for groundwater treatment. Yet, the underlying interwoven biological and physical-chemical reactions controlling the sequential removal of iron, ammonia and manganese remain poorly understood. To resolve th
Arsenic is mainly removed from groundwater by adsorption onto, or co-precipitation with iron flocs and -deposits. The efficiency of this process depends on various factors, amongst which the oxidation state of arsenic, adsorption competition or poor iron floc removal. The aim of
Een deel van het Nederlandse drinkwater wordt geproduceerd uit oeverfiltraat. De vraag is in hoeverre oeverfiltratie organische microverontreinigingen kan verwijderen. In deze studie is een voorspellend model ontwikkeld op basis van functionele groepen in de molecuulstructuur van