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Aydin Shoja

7 records found

Recently, the focus of reflection seismologists has shifted to applications where a high-resolution image of the subsurface is required. Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration (LSRTM) is a common tool used to compute such images. Still, its high computational costs have led seismol ...

Wavefield Reconstruction in the Presence of a Dipping Layer

Full Wavefield Modeling vs Marchenko Redatuming

The accuracy of a model obtained by full-waveform inversion can be estimated by analysing the sensitivity of the data to perturbations of the model parameters in selected subsurface points. Each perturbation requires the computation of the seismic response in the form of Born sca ...
Reflection seismology aims to estimate the Earth's subsurface elastic parameters for further investigation by geologists and engineers. This involves generating elastic waves using seismic sources and recording the Earth's response with receivers. The subsurface model is typicall ...
Least-squares reverse-time migration (LSRTM) is a method that seismologists utilize to compute a high-resolution subsurface image. Nevertheless, LSRTM is a computationally demanding problem. One way to reduce the computational costs of the LSRTM is to choose a small region of int ...
Geophysicists have widely used least-squares reverse-time migration (LSRTM) to obtain high-resolution images of the subsurface. However, LSRTM is computationally expensive and it can suffer from multiple reflections. Recently, a target-oriented approach to LSRTM has been proposed ...
Least-squares reverse time migration (LSRTM) is a common imaging technique that geophysicists have been using to obtain high-resolution images. Nevertheless, the high computational cost shifted the focus of researchers to the target-oriented approach. In this approach, by limitin ...
The Hessian matrix plays an important role in correct interpretation of the multiple scattered wave fields inside the FWI frame work. Due to the high computational costs, the computation of the Hessian matrix is not feasible. Consequently, FWI produces overburden related artifact ...