Giuseppe Quaranta

9 records found

This paper analyzes the effects of the helicopter dynamics on pilots' learning process and transfer of learned skills during autorotation training. A quasi-transfer-of-training experiment was performed with 10 experienced helicopter pilots in the SIMONA moving-base flight simulat ...
The research presented in this paper focuses on the development of a quasi-Linear Parameter Varying (qLPV) model for the XV-15 tiltrotor aircraft. The specific category of qLPV modeling technique, known as the model stitching technique, is employed to model the time-varying dynam ...
This paper analyzes the effects of the helicopter dynamics on pilots’ learning process and transfer of learned skills during autorotation training. A quasi-transfer-of-training experiment was performed with 14 experienced helicopter pilots in a moving-base flight simulator. Two t ...
Training has the potential to inject a “safety vaccination” into the rotorcraft community by reducing the number of accidents. The term training should not be intended only in a strict sense, i.e., as pilot technical skills training, but more broadly as risk avoidance and safety ...
Autorotation is a flight condition whereby the engine of a helicopter is no longer supplying power to the main rotor system, which is driven solely by the upward flow of the air moving through the rotor. For helicopters, autorotation is a common emergency procedure performed by p ...
A safe conversion of tiltrotor from helicopter mode to airplane mode is ensured through maneuvering within the conversion corridor, a constrained region in the airspeed versus nacelle angle graph. This paper presents preliminary work in the development of an automatic conversion ...
The paper investigates the basic mechanism of aeroservoelastic pilot-assisted oscillation about the roll axis due to the interaction with pilot’s arm biomechanics. The motivation stems from the observation that a rotor imbalance May occur as a consequence of rotor cyclic lead–lag ...


An innovative training program to enhance rotorcraft safety

Helicopters are currently used in important applications providing a valuable contribution to society and economic growth. Thanks to their operational flexibility it is possible to accomplish increasingly complex missions. If the expansion of the usage of rotorcraft is to follow ...