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GJ van Hasselt
Academic Work (3)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (1)
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3 records found
A joint venture model for teaching required courses in 'ethics and engineering' to engineering students
Journal article (2008) -
H. Zandvoort (author)
H Zandvoort (author)
Henk Zandvoort (author)
GJ van Hasselt (author)
JABAF Bonnet (author)
Ten years of teaching courses in 'ethics and engineering' for applied sciences at Delft University of Technology: the story of a successful teaching model
Conference paper (2006) -
H. Zandvoort (author)
H Zandvoort (author)
Henk Zandvoort (author)
GJ van Hasselt (author)
JABAF Bonnet (author)
A socially inclusive perspective on the biobased economy
Conference paper (2004) -
L Paula (author)
F Birrer (author)
JABAF Bonnet (author)
GJ van Hasselt (author)
S.M. Lemkowitz (author)
SM Lemkowitz (author)
S. M. Lemkowitz (author)
Saul Lemkowitz (author)
Patricia Osseweijer (author)
P. Osseweijer (author)
PatrĂcia Osseweijer (author)
P Osseweijer (author)