Wim Spakman
9 records found
We have estimated the surface deformation field of the southwestern U.S. deformation zone in terms of the velocity gradient field and surface creep simultaneously by inversion of 497 geodetic velocities. The model shows aseismic fault motion consistent with aseismic creep measure
From a joint analysis of GPS and InSAR data we have determined the kinematic coseismic surface deformation of the 1999 August 17, Izmit (Turkey) earthquake in terms of strain, rotation and fault slip. The fault slip contribution shows two distinct peaks: one of ∼4 m of slip at Gö
We have determined the present-day surface deformation of Taiwan by computing the velocity gradient field and fault slip from 143 GPS velocity vectors. In southern Taiwan the derived strain and rotation rates and fault slips are indicative of lateral extrusion toward the south. I
The spatial slip distribution of the August 17, 1999, Izmit (Turkey) earthquake has previously been determined from both geodetic and seismological data. Though the models derived agree on a broad scale, they are significantly different in detail. These differences could be due t