Giancarlo Cotella
7 records found
The classification of spatial planning in Europe
Added value and challenges
Classifications of planning systems are valuable in analysis and explanation of their main lines of similarity and difference, especially where projects have generated large amounts of data. There are two main types, taxonomies allocate systems into classes that are mutually excl
Cross-national comparison of spatial planning systems
A review of experience in Europe
Cross-national comparison of spatial planning systems involves considerable, conceptual, methodological and practical challenges, involving conceptual equivalence between cultures and languages, the continual reform of planning systems and the importance of actual practice as wel
Spatial planning systems
A European perspective
Comparative knowledge of spatial planning systems (city and regional planning, land use planning or spatial planning) is of great value to governments. Planning is seen as a critical tool in building sustainability and resilience in the face of climate change, challenges that hav
EU Cohesion Policy as a driver of Europeanisation
A comparative analysis
The European Union Cohesion Policy supports the development of European regions since the end of the 1980s, despite the lack of supranational spatial planning competences. As reported through time by numerous studies, this has triggered important changes in the Member States’ ter
This symposium presents the results of a roundtable of well-known European spatial planning scholars critically engaging with Andreas Faludi's The Poverty of Territorialism. A Neo-Medieval View of Europe and of European Spatial Planning (2018). The book allows readers to rethink
The objective of the COMPASS project was to provide an authoritative comparative report on changes in territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe from 2000 to 2016. This Final Report presents the main findings, conclusions and policy recommendations. The COMPASS