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A de Visser
Academic Work (10)
Journal article (9)
Poster (1)
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10 records found
Evolution of the ferromagnetic order in URhGe alloyed by Ru, Co and Si
Journal article (2008) -
S Sakarya (author)
NT Huy (author)
N.H. Van Dijk (author)
A de Visser (author)
M Wagemaker (author)
AC Moleman (author)
TJ Gortenmulder (author)
JCP Klaasse (author)
M Uhlarz (author)
H von Lohneysen (author)
Ferromagnetic quantum critical point in URhGe doped with Ru
Journal article (2007) -
NT Huy (author)
A Gasparini (author)
JCP Klaasse (author)
A de Visser (author)
S Sakarya (author)
Niels van Van Dijk (author)
Filtratie van afvalwater - stand van zaken en ervaringen anno 2007
Journal article (2007) -
AF van Nieuwenhuijzen (author)
PJ Roeleveld (author)
A de Visser (author)
P Janssen (author)
P van der Pijl (author)
N.C. Wortel (author)
High field magnetism measurements on Ulr in the ferromagnetic state
Journal article (2007) -
S Sakarya (author)
N. H. Dijk (author)
A de Visser (author)
E Brück (author)
Y Huang (author)
JAAJ Perenboom (author)
H Rakoto (author)
J.-M Broto (author)
Suppression of ferromagnetism in URhGe doped with Ru
Journal article (2006) -
S Sakarya (author)
N.H. Van Dijk (author)
NT Huy (author)
A de Visser (author)
Thermal expansion measurements on a ferromagnetically ordered single-crystal URhGe
Journal article (2004) -
S Sakarya (author)
NH van Dijk (author)
A de Visser (author)
E Brück (author)
Dilatometry study of the ferromagnetic order in single-crystalline URhGe
Poster (2003) -
S Sakarya (author)
NH van Dijk (author)
A de Visser (author)
E Brück (author)
Dilatometry study of the ferromagnetic order in single-crystalline URhGe
Journal article (2003) -
S Sakarya (author)
NH van Dijk (author)
A de Visser (author)
E Brück (author)
Evidence for a two component magnetic response in UPt-3
Journal article (2000) -
A. Yaouanc (author)
P. Dalmas De Réotier (author)
A Huxley (author)
AA Menovsky (author)
FN Gygax (author)
A Schenck (author)
A. Amato (author)
C Baines (author)
PCM Gubbens (author)
CT Kaiser (author)
A de Visser (author)
RJ Keizer (author)
Magnetism and superconductivity of UPt-3 by muon spin techniques
Journal article (2000) -
P Dalmas De Reotier (author)
A Yaouanc (author)
RJ Keizer (author)
P Bonville (author)
PJC King (author)
AA Menovsky (author)
P.C.M. Gubbens (author)
CT Kaiser (author)
AM Mulders (author)
FN Gygax (author)
A Schenck (author)
A. Amato (author)
C Baines (author)
A de Visser (author)