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PJ Roeleveld
Academic Work (8)
Conference paper (3)
Journal article (5)
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8 records found
Filtration of secondary clarifier effluent
Conference paper (2007) -
N.C. Wortel (author)
CA Uijterlinde (author)
PJ Roeleveld (author)
AF van Nieuwenhuijzen (author)
A. Visser (author)
P van der Pijl (author)
P.J.M. Janssen (author)
Filtratie van afvalwater - stand van zaken en ervaringen anno 2007
Journal article (2007) -
AF van Nieuwenhuijzen (author)
PJ Roeleveld (author)
A de Visser (author)
P Janssen (author)
P van der Pijl (author)
N.C. Wortel (author)
A practical protocol for dynamic modelling of activated sludge systems
Journal article (2002) -
J Hulsbeek (author)
J Kruit (author)
PJ Roeleveld (author)
M. C.M. van Loosdrecht (author)
Experience with guidelines for wastewater characterisation in The Netherlands
Journal article (2002) -
PJ Roeleveld (author)
M. C.M. van Loosdrecht (author)
A practical protocol for dynamic modelling of activated sludge systems.
Conference paper (2001) -
J Hulsbeek (author)
J Kruit (author)
PJ Roeleveld (author)
M. C.M. van Loosdrecht (author)
Experiences with guidelines for wastewater characterisation in The Netherlands.
Conference paper (2001) -
PJ Roeleveld (author)
M. C.M. van Loosdrecht (author)
Toepasbaarheid van fuzzy control bij het zuiveren van stedelijk afvalwater
Journal article (1999) -
TJJ Kalker (author)
R. Babuska (author)
PJ Roeleveld (author)
MF Ruland (author)
CP van Goor (author)
Fuzzy control of aeration in an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant: design, simulation and evaluation
Journal article (1999) -
TJJ Kalker (author)
CP van Goor (author)
PJ Roeleveld (author)
MF Ruland (author)
R. Babuska (author)