Rick L. Riolo
5 records found
Market Impacts on Land-Use Change
An Agent-Based Experiment
Land-use change in a market economy, particularly at the urban-rural fringe in North America, is shaped through land and housing markets. Although market activities are at the core of economic studies of land-use change, many market elements are neglected by coupled human-environ
Effects of land markets and land management on ecosystem function
A framework for modelling exurban land-change
This paper presents the conceptual design and application of a new land-change modelling framework that represents geographical, sociological, economic, and ecological aspects of a land system. The framework provides an overarching design that can be extended into specific model
Urban sprawl is shaped by various geographical, ecological and social factors under the influence of land market forces. When modeling this process, geographers and economists tend to prioritize factors most relevant to their own domain. Still, there are very few structured syste
Land developers play a key role in land-use and land cover change, as they directly make land development decisions and bridge the land and housing markets. Developers choose and purchase land from rural land owners, develop and subdivide land into parcel lots, build structures o
We present the conceptual design of a new land-change modelling framework that builds on previous land-change research and models (i.e. ALMA, SOME, DEED). The design integrates agents of land change, land-market mechanisms, land-management behaviour and its ecosystem impacts, and