C. Mooiman

8 records found

Evolutionary engineering of microbes provides a powerful tool for untargeted optimization of (engineered) cell factories and identification of genetic targets for further research. Directed evolution is an intrinsically time-intensive effort, and automated methods can significant ...
While thermotolerance is an attractive trait for yeasts used in industrial ethanol production, oxygen requirements of known thermotolerant species are incompatible with process requirements. Analysis of oxygen-sufficient and oxygen-limited chemostat cultures of the facultatively ...
The construction of powerful cell factories requires intensive genetic engineering for the addition of new functionalities and the remodeling of native pathways and processes. The present study demonstrates the feasibility of extensive genome reprogramming using modular, speciali ...
Current large-scale, anaerobic industrial processes for ethanol production from renewable carbohydrates predominantly rely on the mesophilic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Use of thermotolerant, facultatively fermentative yeasts such as Kluyveromyces marxianus could confer signi ...
Neocallimastigomycetes are unique examples of strictly anaerobic eukaryotes. This study investigates how these anaerobic fungi bypass reactions involved in synthesis of pyridine nucleotide cofactors and coenzyme A that, in canonical fungal pathways, require molecular oxygen. Anal ...
All known facultatively fermentative yeasts require molecular oxygen for growth. Only in a small number of yeast species, these requirements can be circumvented by supplementation of known anaerobic growth factors such as nicotinate, sterols and unsaturated fatty acids. Biosynthe ...
Biosynthesis of sterols, which are considered essential components of virtually all eukaryotic membranes, requires molecular oxygen. Anaerobic growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae therefore strictly depends on sterol supplementation of synthetic growth media. Neocallimast ...
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, acyl-coenzyme A desaturation by Ole1 requires molecular oxygen. Tween 80, a poly-ethoxylated sorbitan-oleate ester, is therefore routinely included in anaerobic growth media as a source of unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs). During optimization of protoco ...