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G Donchyts
Academic Work (9)
Abstract (4)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (2)
Poster (1)
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9 records found
eWaterCycle: Live demonstration of an operational hyper resolution global hydrological model
Abstract (2014) -
N Drost (author)
E Sutanudjaja (author)
Rolf W. Hut (author)
M Meersbergen (author)
G Donchyts (author)
MF Bierkens (author)
N. Van De Giesen (author)
Reconstructing the Alcatraz escape
Abstract (2014) -
F Baart (author)
Olivier Hoes (author)
Rolf Hut (author)
G Donchyts (author)
E van Leeuwen (author)
Benefits of the use of natural user interfaces in water simulations
Conference paper (2014) -
G Donchyts (author)
F. Baart (author)
A van Dam (author)
B Jagers (author)
Rapid setup of hydrological and hydraulic models using OpenStreetMap and the SRTM derived digital elevation model
Journal article (2014) -
A Schellekens (author)
RJ Brolsma (author)
RJ Dahm (author)
G Donchyts (author)
H.C. Winsemius (author)
Open source integrated modeling environment Delta Shell
Abstract (2012) -
G Donchyts (author)
F. Baart (author)
B Jagers (author)
H van Putten (author)
A comparison between WCS and OPeNDAP for making model results and data products available through the internet
Journal article (2012) -
F. Baart (author)
G.J. de Boer (author)
W de Haas (author)
G Donchyts (author)
M Philippart (author)
M van Koningsveld (author)
M Plieger (author)
Functional coverages
Conference paper (2011) -
G Donchyts (author)
F. Baart (author)
HRA Jagers (author)
A. van Dam (author)
Delta Shell: Integrated modeling by example
Abstract (2011) -
G Donchyts (author)
B Jagers (author)
F. Baart (author)
P van Geer (author)
DelftShell - integrated modelling environment with elements of GIS, data management and openmi support
Poster (2008) -
G Donchyts (author)
F. Baart (author)
B Jagers (author)