M. J. Blunt
4 records found
Over the last century, the state of stress in the earth’s upper crust has undergone rapid changes because of human activities associated with fluid withdrawal and injection in subsurface formations. The stress dependency of multiphase flow mechanisms in earth materials is a subst
Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in initially brine-saturated deep porous rocks is a promising large-scale energy storage technology, due to hydrogen's high specific energy capacity and the high volumetric capacity of aquifers. Appropriate selection of a feasible and safe stora
Analytical solutions for spontaneous imbibition
Fractional-flow theory and experimental analysis
We present analytical solutions for capillary-controlled displacement in one dimension by use of fractional-flow theory. We show how to construct solutions with a spreadsheet that can be used for the analysis of experiments as well as matrix-block-scale recovery in field settings
The influence of in-situ stresses on flow processes in fractured rock is investigated using a novel modelling approach. The combined finite-discrete element method (FEMDEM) is used to model the deformation of a fractured rock mass. The fracture wall displacements and aperture cha