M.F.C. van de Ven
252 records found
In-depth understanding of the synergetic effect between the various incorporating constituents in asphalt binders (e.g., polymers, fillers) is needed to design durable paving materials with desired properties. In this research, the focus was first on the effect of the reactivity
Recently warm mix asphalt (WMA) technologies have been introduced to rubberized asphalt mixtures to decrease the required construction temperatures and to alleviate the hazardous gas emissions. Rubberized asphalt pavements combining with WMA have the potential to improve the long
Aging during construction and in-service substantially changes the chemical composition and physical properties of bitumen thereof influences the performance of asphalt pavements. The modification of bitumen by crumb rubber modifier (CRM) significantly increases the complexity of
Epoxy modification of asphalt binders has been recognized as a very effective technology to alter the chemistry of asphaltic materials in such a way that long-lasting pavement structures can be designed. However, the phenomena that are involved to build up the physico-mechanical
As bitumen oxidizes, material stiffening and embrittlement occur, and bitumen eventually cracks. The use of anti-oxidants, such as lignin, could be used to delay oxidative aging and to extend the lifetime of asphalt pavements. In this study, the chemical and rheological effect of
Induction heating driven polymerisation is an in-situ curing technique for epoxy-asphalt systems that maintains most of the advantages of temperature-driven polymerisation and it solves the need for longer curing time periods at lower temperatures before traffic can be allowed. I
The addition of epoxy modifier in bitumen is a relatively new modification technology (1-4) and the most critical epoxy polymerization-induced changes of the epoxy-bituminous materials are not fully understood. Different phenomena take place when epoxy modifiers are incorporated
Field Trials with Epoxy Asphalt for Surfacing Layers
Province of North Holland Case Study
The addition of epoxy modifier in bitumen is a relatively new modification technology (1-4) and the most critical epoxy polymerization-induced changes of the epoxy-bituminous materials are not fully understood. Different phenomena take place when epoxy modifiers are incorporated
Many research on mechanistic testing have come to likely conclusion that different test setup results in different performance. The aim of this paper is to analyse the stiffness modulus resulting from three different test setups, namely; Monotonic Uniaxial Tension Test (MUTT), Mo
The chemical irreversible hardening of epoxy modified bitumen is affected by various physical factors and the successful application of this technology is directly linked with full understanding of chemo-rheological material characteristics. This study proposes a model to describ
Remarkable variances were observed in permanent deformation curves of a dense asphalt mixture captured in triaxial repeated load permanent deformation (TRLPD) tests. In order to explore the causes of such variances, each permanent deformation curve was characterized firstly by an
Asphaltic mixes are self-healing materials since they have the capacity to close internal microcracks at higher temperatures or under external force. To trigger their self-healing, asphalt mixes modified with inductive agents can be heated and in that way healed through applying
This research presents the implementation of a finite element model analysis for assessing the potential of utilizing alternative fibers for the development of inductive bituminous mixes with lower total weight, higher resistance against corrosion, and sufficient induction heatin
Induction assisted chemical hardening (curing) or induction hardening is a novel in situ hardening technique for thermoset modified bituminous materials that maintains most of the advantages of natural chemical hardening while eliminating the possible restrictions of longer curin
Epoxy modified bitumen
Chemical hardening and its interpretation
Epoxy modified bitumen (EMB) is a promising technology for long lasting paving materials ensuring higher resistance to rutting, oxygen- and moisture-induced damage. In this paper, an analysis of the chemical reactions that take place during the chemical hardening process (curing)
Noise produced from the tyre-road surface interface is one of the most important contributions to the overall traffic noise and there is an increasing requirement for predicting the tyre-road noise levels prior to road construction in the Netherlands. In practice, a model with a
Induction technology was introduced to the paving industry to assist pavement operations by heating asphalt layers efficiently from the surface. Many experimental studies have been conducted to investigate the impact of inductive particles on the heating efficiency of asphalt mix
Durable, therefore sustainable, road needs to attain specific characteristics, among others, resistance to permanent deformation and cracking. Determining the development of both characteristics are important to be able to predict pavement life and performance. In this research,