W.F. Gard
64 records found
Morphological analysis of inosculated connections in weeping figs
Insights on density, geometry, fiber structures, and compositional variations
Biomechanical analysis of inosculations (self-growing connections) in Ficus benjamina L.
Impact of developmental growth levels on mechanical properties
Wooden pile foundations
Structural analysis and assessment of remaining load carrying capacity
Hygrothermal ageing of dry gelatine adhesive films
Microstructure-property relationships
Time to failure analysis of wood adhesives
A non-linear approach based on chemical reaction kinetics
Gelatine adhesives from mammalian and fish origins for historical art objects conservation
How do microstructural features determine physical and mechanical properties?
Education in Assessment and Retrofitting of Historical Timber Structures
Integration of Teaching and Practice
Historical Wooden Pile Foundations in Amsterdam
An Integrated Approach for the Estimation of Structural Performance and Residual Service Life
Collagenous Bioadhesives
Structure-Property Correlations and Hygrothermal Ageing
TERRE project
Interplay between unsaturated soil mechanics and low-carbon geotechnical engineering