L. Maddalena

7 records found


Light-sheet microscopy is a powerful method for imaging small translucent samples in vivo, owing to its unique combination of fast imaging speeds, large field of view, and low phototoxicity. This chapter briefly reviews state-of-the-art technology for variations of light-sheet ...

In deep tissue imaging, pulsed near-infrared lasers commonly provide high peak powers needed for nonlinear absorption, but average power and linear absorption can be limiting factors for tissue damage through heat. We implemented intra-cavity dumping within a mode-locked Ti:Sapph ...
Optogenetics is a powerful addition to the spectrum of techniques available in neuroscience to investigate neurophysiology and unravel how neural circuit structure is related to circuit function. This technique relies on introducing lightsensitive proteins or molecules as actuato ...

Optical aberrations affect the quality of light propagating through a turbid medium, where refractive index is spatially inhomogeneous. In multiphoton optical applications, such as two-photon excitation fluorescence imaging and optogenetics, aberrations non-linearly impair the ...

We propose a sensor-less adaptive optics approach to correct local aberrations in holograms used for two-photon stimulation. Our method showed intensity enhancement of about 60 % in holograms projected into fixed zebrafish tissue.

The use of spatial light modulators to project computer generated holograms is a common strategy for optogenetic stimulation of multiple structures of interest within a three-dimensional volume. A common requirement when addressing multiple targets sparsely distributed in three d ...

Optogenetic tools provide users the ability to photocontrol the activity of cells. Commonly, activation is achieved by expression of proteins from photosynthetic organisms, for example, microbial opsins (e.g., ChR2). Al ...