This thesis research focusses on the development of a reliable and efficient 3D calculation model of an existing high-rise, reinforced concrete building in the Groningen area, in order to analyse the dynamic behaviour of the existing and subsequently retrofitted main bearing stru
This thesis research focusses on the development of a reliable and efficient 3D calculation model of an existing high-rise, reinforced concrete building in the Groningen area, in order to analyse the dynamic behaviour of the existing and subsequently retrofitted main bearing structure of this high-rise building. The assessment of the existing building is performed through a Non-Linear Time History analysis in Simulia Abaqus, in which cracking of concrete and yielding of reinforcement is taken into account. Multiple NLTH analyses are performed for optimisation of the 3D model in order to obtain correct results with a minimum amount of calculation costs. This optimisation process results in a clear understanding of the dynamic behaviour of the building and the main sensitivities of the model.
The 3D model is verified by means of a simplified 1D beam type model, developed and analysed with the software package Matlab. This 1D model consists of three elements, corresponding to the three main structural parts of the building. Next to this, a ‘modal response spectrum analysis’ is performed for verification of the 3D model results.
The seismic assessment of the building is performed according to the Near Collapse criterion of the NPR. The results show that the building meets this criterion, based on one record of the NPR. Since at least seven various records should be applied, it is possible that the building does not meet the Near Collapse criterion for one of these records. Also from a structural point of view, it is interesting to develop and analyse strengthening possibilities for this specific building. therefore, three strengthening proposals are developed and initially analysed with the 1D model in Matlab.