24 records found
Prevention of fouling and scaling in stationary and circulating liquid-solid fluidized bed heat exchangers: Particle impact measurements and analysis
Prevention of crystallization fouling during eutectic freeze crystallization in fluidized bed heat exhangers
Superheating of ice slurry in melting heat exchangers
Fluidized Bed Heat Exchangers to Prevent Fouling in Ice Slurry Systems and Industrial Crystallizers
Influence of solute type and concentration on ice scaling in fluidized bed ice crsytallizers
Ice-scaling prevention with a fluidized bed heat exchanger
De selectie van werkmedia voor indirecte koeling
Ice-slurry production
erratum to "Validation of the use of heat transfer models in liquid/solid fluidized beds for ice slurry generation"[International journal of heat and mass transfer 46 (2003) 3683-3695)
Maximum temperature difference without ice-scaling in scraped surface crystallizers during eutectic freeze crystallization
Measuring particle-wall impacts in a fluidized bed heat exchanger
Circulating fluidized bed heat exchanger for ice slurry production
A dynamic model of Ostwald ripening in ice suspension
Optimization of a solar ammonia-water absorption chiller
Melting of ice slurry in a tube-in-tube heat transfer coil
Time-dependent behavior of different ice slurries during storage
Ice slurry production with a circulating fluidized bed heat exchanger
Perspectives of fluidized bed crystallizers
Effects of long-term ice slurry storage on crystal size distribution