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A.C. Cunningham
Academic Work (7)
Journal article (7)
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7 records found
Realizing the potential of fluvial archives using robust OSL chronologies
Journal article (2012) -
A.C. Cunningham (author)
J. Wallinga (author)
Experimental and computational simulation of beta-dose heterogeneity in sediment
Journal article (2012) -
A.C. Cunningham (author)
D.J. De Vries (author)
D. Schaart (author)
D. Schaart (author)
D.R. Schaart (author)
D.R. Schaart (author)
D. R. Schaart (author)
D. R. Schaart (author)
DR Schaart (author)
DR Schaart (author)
Dennis Schaart (author)
Dennis Schaart (author)
Dennis R. Schaart (author)
Dennis R. Schaart (author)
Expectations of Scatter in Equivalent-dose Distributions when using Multi-grain Aliquots for OSL Dating
Journal article (2011) -
A.C. Cunningham (author)
J. Wallinga (author)
PSJ Minderhoud (author)
Extracting storm surge data from coastal dunes for improved assessment of flood risk
Journal article (2011) -
A.C. Cunningham (author)
MAJ Bakker (author)
S van Beveren (author)
B van der Valk (author)
A.J.F. van der Spek (author)
Ad van der Spek (author)
A.J.F. Van der Spek (author)
A. J.F. van der Spek (author)
Ad J.F. Van der Spek (author)
Ad Van der Spek (author)
A. J.F. Van der Spek (author)
Ad J.F. van der Spek (author)
Dennis Schaart (author)
D. R. Schaart (author)
D. Schaart (author)
Dennis R. Schaart (author)
D.R. Schaart (author)
DR Schaart (author)
J. Wallinga (author)
Selection of integration time intervals for quartz OSL decay curves
Journal article (2010) -
A.C. Cunningham (author)
J. Wallinga (author)
Sedimentation rates on embanked floodplains determined through quartz optical dating
Journal article (2010) -
J. Wallinga (author)
N Hobo (author)
A.C. Cunningham (author)
A Versendaal (author)
B Makaske (author)
H Middelkoop (author)
H. Middelkoop (author)
Optically stimulated luminescence dating of young quartz using the fast component
Journal article (2009) -
A.C. Cunningham (author)
J. Wallinga (author)