In this thesis, the possibilities of infrasonic interferometry for probing the troposphere and stratosphere with microbaroms are explored. Infrasonic interferometry determines the delay time between two sensors by cross correlating their infrasound recordings. The obtained delay
In this thesis, the possibilities of infrasonic interferometry for probing the troposphere and stratosphere with microbaroms are explored. Infrasonic interferometry determines the delay time between two sensors by cross correlating their infrasound recordings. The obtained delay time can be used to estimate the Green’s function, which is the impulse response of the medium. Until now this approach was applied in other research fields, e.g., oceanography, seismology and ultrasonics, but it was used only occasionally for infrasound studies. In this thesis, the new research field of infrasonic interferometry is explored from the theoretical basics, via numerical experiments with synthetic data, up to the application to tropospheric and stratospheric microbaroms.