C. Yu

17 records found

In this paper, a unified identification framework called constrained subspace method for structured state-space models (COSMOS) is presented, where the structure is defined by a user specified linear or polynomial parametrization. The new approach operates directly from the input ...
This paper considers the identification of a network consisting of discrete-time LTI systems that are interconnected by their unmeasurable states. For a large-scale network, the computational burden prevents a centralized solution. To cope with this problem, a subspace-based loca ...

Affinely parametrized state-space models

Ways to maximize the Likelihood Function

Using Maximum Likelihood (or Prediction Error) methods to identify linear state space model is a prime technique. The likelihood function is a nonconvex function and care must be exercised in the numerical maximization. Here the focus will be on affine parameterizations which all ...
Identification of structured state-space (gray-box) model is popular for modeling physical and network systems. Due to the non-convex nature of the gray-box identification problem, good initial parameter estimates are crucial for successful applications. In this paper, the non-co ...
The objective of adaptive optics (AO) system control is to design an output feedback controller to reduce the adverse effect of the phase aberration caused by the atmospheric turbulence. As the size of the telescope or AO system becomes larger and larger, how to improve the effic ...
Many recently developed data-driven fault estimation methods are restricted to minimum-phase systems so that their practical applications are limited. In this paper, the data-driven fault estimation for non-minimum phase (NMP) systems is studied, for which the main difficulty is ...
This note provides an instrumental-variable nuclear-norm subspace identification (IV-N2SID) method for the identification of state-space models with measurement noise. The key difference of the proposed method against the classical N2SID method is that the measurement-noise influ ...
Abstract: This note studies the identification of individual systems operating in a large-scale distributed network by considering the interconnection signals between neighboring systems to be unmeasurable. The unmeasurable interconnections act as unknown system inputs to the ind ...
The identification of a 1D heterogenous network with unmeasurable interconnections between neighboring systems is studied in this paper. For a large-scale networked system, it is usually computationally prohibitive to identify the global system in a centralized manner. To cope wi ...
The continuous-time subspace identification using state-variable filtering has been investigated for a long time. Due to the simple orthogonal basis functions that were adopted by the existing methods, the identification performance is quite sensitive to the selection of the syst ...
This note considers the identification of large-scale 1D networks consisting of identical LTI dynamical systems. A subspace identification method is developed that only uses local input-output information and does not rely on knowledge about the local state interaction. The propo ...
Gray-box identification is prevalent in modeling physical and networked systems. However, due to the non-convex nature of the gray-box identification problem, good initial parameter estimates are crucial for a successful application. In this paper, a new identification method is ...
This note studies the identification of a network comprised of interconnected clusters of LTI systems. Each cluster consists of homogeneous dynamical systems, and its interconnections with the rest of the network are unmeasurable. A subspace identification method is proposed for ...
This paper studies the identification of ARMA systems with colored measurement noises using finite-level quantized observations. Compared with the case under colorless noises, this problem is more challenging. Our approach is to jointly design an adaptive quantizer and a recursiv ...
In this paper, we study the deterministic blind identification of multiple channel state-space models having a common unknown input using measured output signals that are perturbed by additive white noise sequences. Different from traditional blind identification problems, the co ...
This paper studies the local identification of large-scale homogeneous systems with general network topologies. The considered local system identification problem involves unmeasurable signals between neighboring subsystems. Compared with our previous work in Yu et al. (2014) whi ...
This paper studies the local subspace identification of 1D homogeneous networked systems. The main challenge lies at the unmeasurable interconnection signals between neighboring subsystems. Since there are many unknown inputs to the concerned local system, the corresponding ident ...